I look at myself in the mirror and smile. As I was looking beautiful in this french elegant black midi dress. I grab my phone as a message pops up on the screen.

“I’m coming!” I send the text and grab my purse as I come out. My best friend, Jungkook, was waiting for me outside his car, looking at his phone. As soon as he hears the sound of my heels, he turns around and I wave at him.

“Wow, you’re looking handsome!” I walk toward him and pat his cheek as he's zoning out. He comes out of his thoughts and clears his throat.

“You’re also looking pretty!” I give him a smile but then I realize that we’re getting late.

“Let’s go, fast. Everyone must be waiting for us.” I extend my hand to open the door when he does it for me. I immediately sit inside without thinking about anything. He close the door and jog toward the driver seat. As soon as we tie our seatbelt, he starts the car. I look outside the car and in the next 6 minutes, we reach where all of my friends are gathering as we just finished our school and God knows when will we meet again cause my father isn’t going to let me study here and I’m going to miss them so much.

My father has told me in the morning about his decision of sending me to my uncle’s house, so my friends don’t know anything about this, that it’s my last party with them.

I look at Jungkook and he comes out and opens the door for me. I fastly came out and was about to walk when he grabbed my wrist. I stopped in my tracks and he grabbed the purse from the passenger seat and gave it to me, before closing the door of his car. I smile and we both walk inside together.

The sound of the music reaches my ears as all of my friends look at us and pull me inside. I hugged them one by one and the party started. And the next 30 minutes, we drink and dance crazily.

I don’t know when the time passed and now Jungkook and I are sitting in his car. He lived next to my home so we always go together. He stopped the car and I came out before thanking him.

“Ani, see you soon!” He waved at me and I pucker my lips, realizing I wouldn’t be able to see him again. I walk toward him and engulf him in my arms tightly.

“I’m going to miss you. Take care.” I pull back and he chuckles, cupping my cheek.

“You’re so cute when you’re drunk. And I’m not going anywhere that you’re going to miss me!” He says and I shake my head.

“I know you’re not going but⸺” Before I can say anything, I see my father coming out of his car. Jungkook pulls back his hand from my cheek and I stand straight. I should have gone inside. Jungkook bowed to my father and my father looked at him before glaring at me.

“Goodnight, uncle!” Jungkook said before sitting inside his car and driving away. I wave at his car and my father walks past me. I slowly walk inside and straightly go inside my car. Closing the door, I throw my purse God knows where and fall on my bed.

The next morning, I woke up and a maid was standing there with a glass of juice in her hand but my eyes went toward the suitcase. I rub my eyes and groan sitting up. I took the lemon juice from her as my head was still in pain.

“Did you pack my clothes already?” I ask and she nods. I look down and clench my fists on the sheets beside me.

Does my father hate me so much? He behaved like that with me that I’m not his daughter but just a responsibility. Now he can’t even see me in front of him because he is sending me far from him and from all of my friends.

He has always been cold toward me since the day I was born, cause he believes I was the reason mom died. Good.

My mother died giving birth to me but I lost my father too.

My father, David Flores , loved my mother very much, even though he was Spanish he married my mother, Jeong Dami, who was Korean. He learned Korean for her, adopted Korean nationality for her but as soon as I came into their lives, my father lost my mother.

He is not my father, cause he never behaved like a father does toward their kid.

If he doesn’t want to be with me then I’m also not dying to be here.

I gave the juice glass back to her and got up. I take my clothes before going inside the bathroom.

After some time, I was standing outside my home, looking like I wouldn’t be able to come back here. I don’t know why. Even if I show that I don’t need my father beside me, I’ll miss him. Will he not miss me?

I look around to find him talking on the phone with someone while the driver is standing beside me waiting for me to sit inside the car.

“Ma’am, please get inside!” The driver’s voice brings me out of my thoughts and I look back.

“Just give me a minute,” Before the driver could say anything, I ran toward my father and he turned toward me while still talking on the phone. I stop, just an inch away from him.

“Go or you'll get late!” He says, before cutting the call and I nod. I want to hug him. I hope he won’t scold me.

“Just leave, you’ll get l⸺” He stop once I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes tightly.

“Take care, dad. I’ll miss you!” He didn’t hug me first but then he hugged me back knowing I’m going far from him.

“Take care!” He pulled me back and I smiled at him. I move back and wave at him before turning around. A smile forms on my face as I sit inside the car.


I was standing outside my Uncle’s home who didn’t even come to pick me up. And why would he even care about me?

No one cares about me and what I think?

If that was the case then my father wouldn’t send me here where I will be alone. I have no one here who knows me, understands me.

No one is going to welcome me here!

I take a deep breath and step inside. But as soon as I put my feet inside, a strong gust of wind passed by me as if it was giving me a signal. I ignore it and walk inside. A maid came toward me and smiled at me. She bowed to me and took my luggage.

“Welcome ma’am, please come this way,” I smiled at her and did as she told me. She told me to sit on the couch and give a glass of water. I thanked her and drank the water. I gave the glass back to her after drinking, as I was feeling thirsty. I look around.

“If you’re looking for Mr. Kim then he is in his office right now!” I look at her and nod my head. Yeah, it’s not like I’m some important person in his life for whom he will take leave.

“Okay, can you show me my room?” I ask and she nods.

She closed the door after showing me my room which looked extremely comfortable. I sit on the bed and then look around the room. Everything was beautiful, the window caught my attention as I looked outside. Just then my phone beeped. I take out my phone from my pocket and see it’s a message from dad about if I reach there safely. I messaged him back that I’m fine.

“He didn’t even want to hear my voice, that’s why he didn’t call me.” I ruffle my hair and then sniff myself. I should take a bath again. My whole body is tired even though I didn’t do anything.

After I came out of the bathroom and got ready, it was already evening. The maid told me to come to the dining table. I come out after looking at myself. I just sit on the chair when I hear footsteps.

I look back and see a handsome man walking toward me. He still looks the same as when I was a kid. I continue looking at him as he walks past me and sits right in front of me. I realized that I was still sitting. I immediately get up making a loud noise of the chair and bow to him.

“Good evening, uncle!” I said and looked up, standing straight as he placed his phone on the table and nodded at me.

“Good. Now sit and have your dinner!” He didn’t even wish me back. Anyways, at least he talked to me. I smile at him and sit on my chair again.

“And yeah, don’t call me uncle again!” I raised my head as soon as he said that.

“Excuse me!” He looked up and my breath stuck in my throat seeing his dead serious eyes.

“Call me anything you’re comfortable with except uncle!” I nod my head a little and clutch my dress tightly, trying my best to not laugh.

Old man didn’t want anyone to know that he was old.

Well anyone wouldn’t even doubt that he is thirty-five years old.

Anyways, I also feel weird calling him uncle. But yeah, I can’t call him by his name either so what should I call him?

“Okay, Mr. Kim!” I say after thinking sometime and he licks his lips once he hears me and nods his head without looking at me. I was eating silently when I noticed that only me and Mr. Kim were sitting on the dining table.

Doesn’t he have any family members?

Does he live alone in this big mansion?

I want to ask him but I don’t have any guts to ask him when he is going to look at me like my math teacher. Scary!

I gaze at myself in the mirror and smile. I looked stunning in this French elegant black midi dress. I pick up my phone as a message appears on the screen.

"I'm coming!" I send the text and grab my purse as I step outside. My best friend, Jungkook, is waiting for me outside in his car, preoccupied with his phone. Upon hearing the sound of my heels, he turns his head towards me, and I wave at him.

"Wow, you look handsome!" I approach him and gently pat his cheek, as he was slightly zoning out. He snaps back to attention, clearing his throat.

"You also look pretty!" I give him a warm smile, but then it dawns on me that we're running late.

"Let's hurry, we're going to be late. Everyone is likely waiting for us." I reach out to open the door, but he promptly does it for me. I quickly slid into the seat without giving it a second thought. He shuts the door and rushes back to the driver's side, buckling his seatbelt.

As we secure our seatbelts, he starts the car. I gaze out the window, marveling at the beautiful scenery. In a few minutes, we arrive at our destination, where all my friends are gathering. We have just completed our school, and it is unclear when we will see each other again.

My father had informed me in the morning about his decision to send me to my uncle's house. My friends were unaware of this, as it was my final party with them.

I glance at Jungkook as he comes out and opens the door for me. I quickly step out, about to walk when he grabs my wrist, causing me to halt. He fetches my purse from the passenger seat, handing it to me, then closes the door to his car. We smile at each other before entering the venue together.

The music thumps through the air as I step into the party, greeted by the joyous faces of my friends. One by one, they pull me in for hugs, and before long, the party is in full swing. We drink and dance together, losing ourselves in the music and the moment. The carefree atmosphere warms my heart, but beneath it all, there’s a tinge of melancholy knowing this might be our final gathering.

The alcohol fuels our laughter and dances, and the hour passes in a blur of joyful chaos. We take turns to grab more drinks from the nearby counter, our conversations loud and slurred. I find myself enjoying every second, trying hard not to think about the fact that soon, I’d be saying goodbye.

I look around the crowded space, my eyes landing on Jungkook as he engages in a conversation with a small group of friends. I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness knowing this might be one of the last times I’ll see him, and as the thought crosses my mind, I catch his gaze and smile at him, trying to shake off my dark thoughts.

As the night went on, time slipped away, and now I find myself sitting in Jungkook’s car, the streetlights casting a dim glow in the quiet neighborhood. Pulling up to my house, he brings the vehicle to a stop, and I climb out, grateful for the ride.

I turn to him with a warm smile, murmuring a soft “thanks” before shutting the door.

"See you soon!" he waves at me, and I reflexively stick out my lips, struck by the realization that it would be our final time seeing each other. I approach him and hug him tightly, my embrace tinged with a sense of finality.

"I'll miss you," I murmur, pulling back and looking at his face. He chuckles, gently caressing my cheek.

"You're so cute when you're tipsy," he comments, and I shake my head in mild protest.

"I know you're⸺" I began, but my words were abruptly cut off by the sight of my father exiting his car. Jungkook promptly withdrew his hand from my cheek, and I stiffened. I should have entered the house earlier. He formally bows to my father, who casts a disapproving glance in my direction.

"Goodnight, uncle!" Jungkook bid farewell, hopping into his car and driving away. I wave weakly at his departing vehicle before following my father into the house. I silently enter my room, firmly shutting the door behind me. I throw my purse somewhere, not caring where it lands, and collapse onto my bed, feeling the weight of the night finally catching up to me.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The gentle shake of a maid wakes me from my sleep, and as I open my eyes, I notice a glass of juice being offered to me. However, my focus drifts to the sight of a suitcase nearby, and I can’t help but groan as I sit up, my head still pounding from last night's drinking.

I take the glass of lemon juice from the maid, trying to will the throbbing headache away with the refreshing drink.

I take a few sips of the lemon juice, hoping it will ease the throbbing in my head, before asking the maid, "Did you pack my clothes already?"

She nods in affirmation, and I glance down, tightening my grip on the sheets next to me as a sense of dread washes over me.

The sight of the suitcase makes my heart clenches in my chest, and a wave of questions, doubts, and insecurities come rushing in. Does my own father despise me so much? Why does he act as if I'm nothing more than a burden, a responsibility to be rid of by sending me away?

The words cut deep, leaving me feeling hurt and alone. The realization that he can’t even stand to be around me anymore only amplifies the pain.

My heart aches as I recall the truth. My father has been cold and distant ever since the day of my birth, firmly believing that my birth resulted in my mother’s death. I’ve always felt the weight of his disapproval and blame, but I never imagined things would reach this point.

The loss of my mother during childbirth has not only severed my connection to her but also taken away the father I should have had.

My father, David Flores, held a deep love for my mother, Jeong Dami. Despite the cultural differences⸺him being Spanish and her Korean⸺he went to great lengths to demonstrate his devotion. He learned Korean and even changed his nationality to Korean, all for the woman he loved.

However, the tragedy struck when I was born. With my arrival, my father didn't just lose a piece of himself; he also lost my mother, a devastating blow that changed our family forever.

The chilling realization sinks in: this man, my father by blood, has never acted as a true father should. He has shown me no warmth, no love, no guidance. If he’s so eager to send me away, then I’m not going to cling to a relationship that never existed.

I place the empty glass on a bedside table before climbing out of bed. I gather my clothes and stride to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

As I set the clothes down, I lean against the counter and take a moment to steady my emotions, trying to brace myself for the day ahead.

I step out of the house, I don’t know why I still yearn for my father's affection, despite my best attempts to appear unbothered. Will he even miss me at all?

The thought weighs heavily on me, mixing with the conflicting emotions of resentment and a deep longing.

Looking around, I find my father engaged in a phone conversation. The driver stands nearby, patiently waiting for me to take my place in the car. I try to steal a glance at my dad, but his attention is focused elsewhere, leaving me feeling more disconnected than ever.

The driver's voice jolts me out of my thoughts, and I turn to face him. "Please get inside!" he urges me, gesturing to the open car door.

"Wait a minute," I interrupt before the driver can respond. I take quick strides toward my father, stopping just inches away from him. He turns to face me, still engaged in his phone conversation, seemingly annoyed by my presence.

"Just go, you'll get late." He snaps, cutting the call and looking at me sternly. I nod, feeling the urge to hug him, hoping he won't reproach me. But before he can continue, I impulsively throw my arms around him and press my eyes shut.

"Take care, Dad. I'll miss you," I murmur, expecting a cold response but surprised when he embraces me in return, seemingly understanding the long separation ahead.

He pulls me back, his eyes holding a hint of melancholy. I force a smile and wave, turning away and settling into the car, a bittersweet feeling settling in my chest.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

I find myself standing outside my uncle's house, feeling utterly isolated. It's clear that he didn't even bother to come and pick me up. But why would he care about my presence anyway?

A sense of profound loneliness washes over me as I consider the fact that no one seems to care about my thoughts or feelings.

As these thoughts swirl through my mind, a bitter realization sinks in: if that were truly the case, then my father wouldn't have sent me to this place where I'm destined to be all alone, surrounded by strangers who neither know nor understand me.

There will be no warm welcome, no one eagerly anticipating my arrival. I'm practically a ghost in this unfamiliar territory.

I inhale deeply, trying to steady my nerves, and step through the threshold. However, just as I enter, a powerful gust of wind brushes past me, almost as if it's sending a warning. Ignoring the shiver of unease, I press forward.

A maid approaches me, her smile warm, and swiftly takes my luggage before bowing to me in greeting.

"Welcome, ma'am. Please come this way," the maid indicates, and I follow her lead, settling onto the couch as she offers me a glass of water. I express my thanks and eagerly drink, quenching my thirst. After finishing, I hand the empty glass back to her.

I take a moment to glance around, feeling curiously detached from my surroundings.

The maid notices my gaze and immediately informs me, "If you’re looking for Mr. Kim, he’s in his office right now!"

I nod, fully aware that I hold no significant importance in his life. There’s no reason for him to skip work just to welcome me.

"Okay, can you show me my room?" I inquire, and she nods, guiding me through the door.

As the maid closes the door behind me, I let out a soft exhale and take in the sight of my room. It's elegantly furnished, every detail exuding comfort, including the large window that draws my focus. Just then, my phone emits a gentle beep, and I withdraw it from my pocket, discovering a message from Dad checking if I arrived safely. I respond with a quick text, assuring him that I'm fine.

"He didn’t even want to hear my voice," I murmur, a pang of irritation welling up inside me as I realize he settled for a mere text instead of actually calling to check on me.

With a frustrated huff, I rake my fingers through my hair and catch a whiff of myself. A bath might do me good; my body is inexplicably tired despite not doing much physically.

I step out of the bathroom, having freshened up and changed. The maid alerts me to come to the dining table, and I make my way there. As I take a seat, the sound of approaching footsteps reaches my ears. Turning to look, I see a handsome man advancing toward me, his appearance no different than it was back in my childhood days.

Recovering from my momentary stupor, I realize I've been sitting like a statue. I hastily rise from my seat, causing an abrupt sound from the chair scraping against the floor, and hastily bow before him.

"Good evening, Uncle!" I greet him, trying to maintain a polite demeanor.

He responds simply, "Good. Now sit and have dinner." Feeling a pang of disappointment that he didn't even return my greeting, I try to brush it off and take my seat again, forcing a smile.

"And yeah, don't call me uncle again!" His words catch my attention, causing me to lift my head abruptly.

"Excuse me?" I exclaim, meeting his gaze, which is now intensely serious.

He maintains his stern demeanor as he clarifies, "Call me anything except 'uncle.'"

I nod a little, my fingers unconsciously gripping the fabric of my dress tightly, struggling to contain a laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

It seems like this guy doesn’t want anyone to be reminded of his age, despite his youthful appearance.

After all, no one would believe he's thirty-five with that youthful visage of his.

As for me, I agree that calling him “uncle” feels a bit strange, yet I can’t address him by his name either. So what on earth should I call him, then?

After a brief contemplation, I decide to address him as "Mr. Kim." He nods in response without looking at me, his lips slightly pursed.

While I quietly eat, I suddenly realize that it's just the two of us at the dining table. An unexpected thought crosses my mind: doesn't he have any family members? Could he be living alone in this expansive mansion?

I ponder asking him about his family, but I'm held back by a mixture of fear and timidity. His earlier stern expression reminds me of my strict math teacher. *Scary!*

I continue eating, only to notice he gets up and exits before wiping his hands. As soon as he's gone, I summon the maid, who dutifully comes closer.

"I want to know your name," I begin, lowering my voice, and she nods with a smile.

"It's Soo Jin, Ma'am." she replies, and I pout slightly, shaking my head.

"Don't call me 'ma'am.' It makes me feel old," I insist, a small pout on my lips. Soo Jin obediently nods, and my mind wanders back to the question I was about to ask her.

"Soo Jin, can I ask you something?" I inquire, and she nods attentively.

I pause for a moment before continuing, correcting myself, "I mean, Mr. Kim... does he live here alone? What about his wife and parents?"

My father had mentioned to me years ago that Mr. Kim was married, and I vaguely recall this conversation from when I was around 13 or 14.

"Actually, Mr. Kim's parents don't visit," Soo Jin reveals. "I don't know what occurred, but it appears they don't wish to see him anymore."

A pang of sadness resonates within me as I hear her words. It must be incredibly painful for him, being abandoned by his own parents. The sense of loneliness that comes from having parents who no longer want anything to do with you⸺I can empathize with his plight.

"What about his wife?" I inquire further, and Soo Jin’s gaze drops.

"She left him five years ago," she responds candidly. "They’ve been divorced."

A heavy silence hangs in the air as the revelation of his failed marriage settles in.

This book is an age-gap forbidden romance. You might get triggered later, the main leads are not blood - related but they might call each other uncle - niece. This is just fiction so enjoy it.

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